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VMware Customer Connect


LENOVO System x3650 M5 its compatible for 7.0 update 3 according to HCL below.


When confirming compatibility, I would check these link below to confirm if hardware is supported for specific esxi build.s

Checking host hardware with specific ESXi versions. https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php

Vsan storage controller and disks compatibility. https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=vsan

Network card HCl https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=io


Die “compact” Funktionalität auch im VMWare Player (6.x) eingebaut ist. Sie ist etwas versteckt, deswegen zeige ich hier nochmal den Pfad auf:

VMWare Player -> Virtuelle Maschine auswählen -> Virtual Machine -> Virtual Machine Settings… (Ctrl + D) -> Hardware -> Hard disk -> Utilities -> Compact





Converter Standalone


ESXi Patches
ESXi 6.0 Free
ESXi 6.0 Free und vSphere Client: Einschränkungen und Funktionen
VMware vSphere 6.5 Documentation Center
Allgemeine Befehle

Shows all volumes, mounted and unmounted, that are resolved, that is, that are not snapshot volumes.

   esxcli storage filesystem list  

Alle registrierten VMs anzeigen/ [VmID] erheben

   vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
   Vmid    Name                 File                 Guest OS      Version   Annotation
   1      thorgal   [sea3TB] thorgal/thorgal.vmx   rhel6_64Guest   vmx-08              
   2      kajko     [sea3TB] kajko/kajko.vmx       ubuntu64Guest   vmx-08  

Registrieren einer VM

   vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/…/Ordner/VM_Hostname.vmx

Deregisitrieren/ Unregistrieren von eine VM

   vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister [VmId]
Einschalten, Ausschalten

Um die virtuelle Maschine einzuschalten, auszuschalten oder sich Details der Konfiguration anzusehen einschalten:

  vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 3


  vim-cmd vmsvc/power.off 3

config details anzeigen

  vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary 3
  vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary 3 | grep ipA
       ipAddress = "", 
  vim-cmd vmsvc -h

Commands available under vmsvc/:

  acquiremksticket                 get.snapshotinfo                 
  acquireticket                    get.spaceNeededForConsolidation  
  connect                          get.summary                      
  convert.toTemplate               get.tasklist                     
  convert.toVm                     getallvms                        
  createdummyvm                    gethostconstraints               
  destroy                          login                            
  device.connection                logout                           
  device.connusbdev                message                          
  device.disconnusbdev             power.getstate                   
  device.diskadd                   power.hibernate                  
  device.diskaddexisting           power.off                        
  device.diskremove                power.on                         
  device.getdevices                power.reboot                     
  device.toolsSyncSet              power.reset                      
  device.vmiadd                    power.shutdown                   
  device.vmiremove                 power.suspend                    
  devices.createnic                power.suspendResume              
  disconnect                       queryftcompat                    
  get.capability                   reload                           
  get.config                       setscreenres                     
  get.config.cpuidmask             snapshot.create                  
  get.configoption                 snapshot.dumpoption              
  get.datastores                   snapshot.get                     
  get.disabledmethods              snapshot.remove                  
  get.environment                  snapshot.removeall               
  get.filelayout                   snapshot.revert                  
  get.filelayoutex                 snapshot.setoption               
  get.guest                        tools.cancelinstall              
  get.guestheartbeatStatus         tools.install                    
  get.managedentitystatus          tools.upgrade                    
  get.networks                     unregister                       
  get.runtime                      upgrade   

Snapshot löschen:

  vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.remove
  Usage: snapshot.remove vmid snapshotId [removeChildren]
  vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.remove 3 2

Snapshot erstellen:

  vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create
  Usage: snapshot.create vmid [snapshotName] [snapshotDescription] [includeMemory] [quiesced]
  vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create 2 vor-splunk

Snapshot auflisten:

  vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.get 3
  Get Snapshot:
  --Snapshot Name        : AD-DND-DHCP
  --Snapshot Id        : 1
  --Snapshot Desciption  : 
  --Snapshot Created On  : 2/5/2018 20:49:37
  --Snapshot State       : powered off
  ----Snapshot Name        : vor-splunk
  ----Snapshot Id        : 2
  ----Snapshot Desciption  : 
  ----Snapshot Created On  : 2/6/2018 18:6:3
  ----Snapshot State       : powered off
To add a static route, run the command: esxcfg-route -a target_network_IP netmask default_gateway
For example, to add a route to the network with a /24 bit subnet mask ( through a router with an IP address of, run one of these commands:
   esxcfg-route -a 
   esxcfg-route -a 

Quellen: 1 2 Routen

Run these commands to change the hostname in ESXi 5.x and 6.x using the command line:
   esxcli system hostname set --host=hostname
   esxcli system hostname set --fqdn=fqdn

Quelle: 1

KB Performing common virtual machine-related tasks with command-line utilities (2012964)


Drei Provisionierungsarten:

1. „Thin-Provisioning“ 2. „Thick Provisioning Eager Zeroed“ 3. „Thick Provisioning Lazy Zeroed“

1. und 2. „sieht“ das Gastsystem die angegebene Speichermenge.
2. Thin-Provisioning reserviert allerdings beim Erstellen der virtuellen Festplatte keinen 
Speicherplatz im Datastore, sondern wächst dynamisch mit der im Gastsystem beanspruchten 

3. Thick Provisioning Eager Zereod hingegen (eager heißt so viel wie „fleißig“) reserviert 
beim Erstellen den gewünschten Speicherplatz im Datastore nicht nur komplett, sondern 
überschreibt auch gleich sämtliche Blöcke mit Nullen. 


Cannot Login to WebAccess but to ESXi console

Note:- Starting with vSphere 6.x, account locking is supported for access through SSH and through the vSphere Web Services SDK. The Direct Console Interface (DCUI) and the ESXi Shell do not support account lockout.

1. Try to login through SSH/WinScp/VI-Client/host UI on host after checked "lock-down mode"

2. If step #1 fail; Login on vCenter >>> Select Host >>> Security Profile >> Restart SSH service

3. Try to login through SSH/WinScp/VI-Client/host UI on host and root password would be working.

A maximum failed attempts is allowed before the account is locked (login on host UI - https://hostname/ui >>>System>>>Advanced settings>>>Check "SecurityLockFailures" and "SecurityAccountUnlockTime")


VMware Remote Console

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Remote Console>vmrc.exe vmrc://root@zi-esx01/?moid=2

Tools Offline


Anleitung Patchen von vCenter Server

vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface to check which updates are available for your VCSA (vCenter Server Appliance). The URL is https://your_appliance_ip_or_dns:5480
Anleitung - Link - Update vCenter Appliance via CLI
Suchen und Bereitstellen von Patches in der vCenter Server Appliance

Update Info

Angreifer attackieren VMware vCenter Server
Earlier Releases of vCenter Server 6.5 - vCenter Server 6.5 U3p
Bei Z: Build Number 5705665 [https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.5/rn/vsphere-vcenter-server-650d-release-notes.html vermutlich das ja. Update möglich auf VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-

Endo of Support
Patch Beispiel 6.5 Update 1e (52058)
Login bei vmWare
Kb fehler beheben
Appliance (OS) root password is expired or is going to expire soon. Please change the root password before installing an update.

Vcenter release

