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210.4 Konfiguration eines OpenLDAP-Service
- Test Server mit Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
- Benötigt werden packages slapd und ldap-utils respectively.
- Installation auf Ubuntu. Link
- 1 Hostname angepasst.
- 2 sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils (5 Pakete ca. 17,2 MB: ldap-utils libltdl7 libodbc1 libslp1 slapd)
- 3 Password für Administrator-Eintrag in LDAP-Verzeichnis muss konfiguriert werden.
- 4 Konfigurations Wizard: sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd Mehr
- 5 Installation Web Interface: sudo apt-get install phpldapadmin
How can I determine my user account's OU in a Windows domain?
H:\>whoami /fqdn CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=Domain,DC=local
How to enable LDAP over SSL with a third-party certification authority
Win + R mmc Ctrl + M (Snap-in hinzufügen)
Verifying an LDAPS connection
- After a certificate is installed, follow these steps to verify that LDAPS is enabled:
- Start the Active Directory Administration Tool (Ldp.exe).
- Note This program is installed in the Windows 2000 Support Tools.
- On the Connection menu, click Connect.
- Type the name of the domain controller to which you want to connect.
- Type 636 as the port number.
- Click OK.
- RootDSE information should print in the right pane, indicating a successful connection.