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Lokales AD mit Office 365 synchronisieren
How to sync on promises AD tu Azure AD with Azure AD connect
To initiate a Delta Sync, open Windows PowerShell and run:
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta
To initiate a Full Sync, open Windows PowerShell and run:
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial
UPN-Suffix für alle Benutzer
Wählen Sie auf der Registerkarte "Konto" in der Dropdownliste des UPN-Suffixes das neue UPN-Suffix aus. 
$LocalUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '*contoso.local'" -Properties userPrincipalName -ResultSetSize $null
$LocalUsers | foreach {$newUpn = $_.UserPrincipalName.Replace("@contoso.local","@contoso.com"); $_ | Set-ADUser -UserPrincipalName $newUpn}